
Humble Grazing

Humble Grazing
If you are anything like me, the thought of doing up a platter for entertaining is a bit of a drag. A bowl of chips and some Camembert on a plate just doesn’t cut it anymore, and with so many different dietary requirements these days it can all become a little overwhelming.
Enter Becky from ‘Humble Grazing’- and I mean thank god for Becky!! 

‘Humble Grazing’ is an amazing local platter company that solves all your entertaining problems by providing beautiful bespoke platters that are not only delicious but use wholesome, organic and local produce and growers. All of her crackers, breads, dips and bliss balls are handmade in house (who does this?!!!) and she actually enjoys it (still gobsmacked..)- because this is her hobby you can be assured that each box is made with love, care and attention.

Becky is a local mum of two beautiful girls, Ayla and Violet, husband Reece and a dog called Gravy (best dog name I have ever heard!) They live on a small lifestyle block in Tikorangi. 
Becky is a part time nurse which she says uses her brain and challenges her in a different way to Humble Grazing- this is her creative outlet and true passion. She loves to entertain and share food with her friends and family. She is passionate about colourful healthy food options and only uses locally sourced ingredients so she can support other local businesses and has spent countless hours sourcing the best suppliers in Taranaki and wider NZ.
Humble Grazing offers platters, brunches and Brie cakes which she says are becoming very popular- and we are not surprised at all! A whole wheel of cheese? Yes please!

I asked Becky what makes her tick:
‘Beautiful, colourful food. I love the final product of a platter all tied together with herbs and flowers. I love that our boxes change with the seasons because we use local growers. I think it makes the platters extra special and you know you're never going to get the same thing twice.’
Becky delivers platters to the wider Taranaki region and has just created her website where you can peruse the delicious options available and order online. 
Why we love Humble and Grazing? How could we not, it’s food!! This is a local business supporting other local businesses- a strong mantra we follow here at Objects. Becky is passionate about her food, she is passionate about solving your entertaining needs, and after using her for a few of our own events we can legitimately say her platters are not only delicious but beautiful too. You can genuinely see how much love, care and passion goes into each one- the attention to detail is next level. Even her boxes are eco friendly.

So the next time your darling husband invites people over for a drinks, and doesn’t tell you until late in the game, call Becky. She’s got your back. She could probably pick up divorce papers on her way to deliver the platter- now that’s above and beyond!! We love to see people like Becky follow their passion and make a huge success of it. We LOVE Humble and Grazing!
Check her out on socials:
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The Well Being- Tips for surviving seasonal change

The Well Being- Tips for surviving seasonal change
Six habits for a healthy transition from Autumn to Winter
 Winter is on its way, and as we look forward to getting cosy by the fire, with our snug slippers on and a good book in hand, we sure aren’t looking forward to the bugs that can be prevalent at this time! What are some tips you can stay healthy as we head into winter? Read on for some tips on how you can spend more time enjoying the colder months.


Keeping hydrated 

As we head into the colder months, it can be easy to reach for hot drinks like coffee and tea. Winter dehydration can be harder to notice, especially if we are not sweating. For many of us, our water intake declines over winter, however it is just as important to keep up our hydration levels up as it is in summer. It is vital for a number of reasons but particularly for regulating your body temperature, allowing your blood to carry important nutrients and oxygen around your body and remove toxins from your body. And even the most important for winter - hydration helps keep our immune system barriers fully functional to help fight any viruses we come into contact with. 
Have a look at your daily routine, and see how you can make a good habit of getting your optimal water intake in. For example, drinking 2 glasses as soon as you get up out of bed is a great idea to get on the front foot for your hydration. Also an alternative hot drink to tea and coffee can be hot water with a slice or two of fresh ginger. This means you can still enjoy a warm drink while hydrating at the same time, win win!



Winter is a great opportunity to assess our sleeping habits and make sure we are getting the quantity and quality we need. With less daylight hours, it gives us a chance to get to bed earlier and get those magic hours in before midnight. It is important to note, that even though it is cold, it is not helpful to crank up the heater in your room too high, as this will have the opposite affect on good sleep. Use common sense to be warm, but not overheated! Another tip to keep in mind is the portion size of our dinners. The amount you are eating at dinner and any snacks afterwards, has an effect on how your body transitions into sleep mode. If dinner is large, or you are eating until late, instead of resting - it has digestion to do instead! Try to finish dinner/eating at a sensible hour, and instead have a herbal tea to finish off the evening.


Cooler weather can challenge our motivation levels and encourage more sedentary activities. To keep movement up, we need to set goals and be disciplined to stick to them as well as keeping in mind the best physical activities for you which suits the climate. For example, you may choose to follow a programme where you can workout from home, as opposed to having to drive to the gym in the pouring rain and freezing cold. Or you might join a team sport where you are committed to a season, and this accountability will help you get off the couch! It is important that the daily movement you choose is practical, flexible and suits what you enjoy. 



Eat in season

Nature knows best and that is the most obvious when it comes to fruit and vegetables that are in season. When we eat what is currently growing, we are optimising the nutrients our body needs at the time, and coming into winter that means optimising our immunity! Get familiar with what is in season at your local fruit and vegetable store, or food market. Some local stores have text updates you can subscribe to, so you know what produce they have coming in and when. This is an easy way to keep an eye on what is in season, and can also encourage you to experiment with different fruit and vegetables you may not usually go for at your supermarket. Your gut microbiome love a range of fibre, so get as much variety in as you can!


Vitamin D

Cold and flu season could also be known as the “Vitamin D deficient” season. Vitamin D is crucial for immune system function. It can be difficult to get your daily intake through the colder months due to a lack of sufficient sunlight. Many New Zealanders have lower than recommended Vitamin D levels. Natural food sources for Vitamin D include liver, eggs and fatty fish such as salmon however diet alone may not be enough. Vitamin D supplements may be required through the winter. See your health practitioner to discuss this. And in the meantime, make sure you are getting outside as often as possible to maximise those sunshine hours.


Essential Oils

Essential oils are a fantastic natural way to support your health. There are numerous ways they can support you, and are empowering to have on hand for mental, emotional and physical well-being. Essential oils can be used topically, aromatically and some internally. Used in a diffuser they can have a range of purposes from purifying the air in your home to uplifting your mood. Topically, with a carrier oil, they can soothe aches and pains, get rid of headaches, help to clear stuffy noses, support your immune system, to name a few! Internally they can also give your immune system a boost, help with digestion, and flavour your food! Quality of oils are really important here, as well as the correct support around how to use them. Ask around to find out who can get you started and get curious about the amazing power of plants!
Synchronising new habits with the change of weather can help refresh your goals and give yourself a new motivation for the upcoming season. As a health coach, my job is to help you apply these healthy habits to your unique dietary and lifestyle choices. Get in touch if you need support with your health and wellness goals. I would love to come along on the journey with you! 
Becca Smith
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McEldowney Builders- The process of perfectionism made easy...

McEldowney Builders- The process of perfectionism made easy...

As most of you know I’m a serial renovator, we are on our sixth reno in 6 years. Crazy? Absolutely. But over that time I have built up a relationship with tradies that’s I absolutely trust and rely on to make my reno dreams come true, and Brad McEldowney from McEldowney Builders is my go to.

We met Brad through recommendations from friends. We were told he was reliable, trustworthy and a perfectionist- a winning combo for us. All our Reno’s have been different in era, budget, and overall goal, but nothing is ever too hard for this guy. I am often a challenge when I have my heart set on something (I can hear almost everyone laughing at this enormous understatement) but if I believe that something will work in a space, we have the budget to pull it off, and I can convince my husband to be on board, we WILL be doing it. This is why I Love Brad and his team, he has spent god knows how many hours discussing options with me and trying to decipher my Pinterest Screenshots over the years, without even so much as an eye roll, and his reply is always ‘yeh we can do that, easy.’

Brad is passionate about what he does, he is an absolute perfectionist with his finishing and he runs a tight crew of very capable guys. He loves anything from small Reno’s to Massive complicated architectural new builds, and everything in between. He’s also very handy when it comes to hard landscaping; garden beds, seating areas, outdoor fireplaces, they are all just a walk in the park for this guy.

After being in this industry locally for about 13 years he has built very strong relationships with other trades and seems to manage the process of a build easily. With so many contacts in all areas he can work for you by getting multiple quotes and great prices from the best, and nothing is ever too much trouble.

Brad is in the process of planning his own new build, and with his 4 beautiful children and phenomenal wife Greer, there’s very little downtime for him to squeeze in a surf let-alone time to build his own dream home, but that won’t stop him!

Brad has just completed an amazing property in the new development off the main road in Omata here in New Plymouth; a very contemporary black, cedar and brick number that he has been working on for the past 8 months. Next time you are driving past have a squiz, it really is a thing of beauty.

He has also recently completed the Butterworth’s home on Pitcairn Street, which when finished was an absolute architectural masterpiece. Brads attention to detail and ability to make changes on the fly was the game changer here, as well as a Devine Design from the architect Kyal Ramsay. I asked the Butterworth’s how they found the process:

‘Brad accepts nothing less than 100%, which is why we chose him to build our home. As it turns out there is quite a bit to a build project and Brad guided us through the process effortlessly. We had full confidence and trust in Brad completing our project to the highest spec and having our best interests at heart. He always took the utmost pride in his work and nothing was ever too hard - we’d throw a curve ball at him every now and then - he'd work it out and make it happen. Nothing was ever an issue. He never held back with suggestions on how to do things better. He’s an absolute legend - if we built again we wouldn’t use anyone but Brad.’ 

Brad is down to earth, his communication is strong and his dedication to his work is second to none. If you are looking for someone to take care of your next project, I know from my experience that McEldowney builders will always be the right choice.



Phone: 0275961050 


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Becca Smith has a clear vision for her new venture; helping you become a ‘well being’.

Becca Smith has a clear vision for her new venture; helping you become a ‘well being’.

How many of you can say that you actually take time to care for yourselves on a daily basis?

We lead such busy lives these days and that’s where Becca comes in- she pushes you to be your best self through supportive meetings, creating change through your diet and exercise, and making a massive difference to your body as a whole.

Becca has spent her time as a primary school teacher, raising two beautiful children, and in her spare time she rides her beautiful horse on their amazing property in Oakura. But bubbling beneath the surface was a passion for clean health, and this has taken her on a massive journey over the past year.

She is currently studying health coaching through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York - the largest nutrition school in the world. They teach a holistic approach, looking at nutrition as well as other areas ‘off the plate’ that impact on your health and happiness. Enter her new venture ‘The Well Being’.

Becca has recently used me as her test subject so I’m pretty passionate about sharing this with you all. I am a normal mum, time poor, busy, and I often make bad choices with my diet and fitness. After meeting with her she has shown me that with a few small changes, eg water intake, exercise, SLEEP, cold showers!!! and general diet goals, my life has honestly improved SO much.

I knew most of this stuff, we all do. ‘Drink more water, eat good food...’ But I didn’t know how to implement this into MY life. And I didn’t know specifics. What Becca has done for me, the way she has broken it down, has been invaluable. I seriously can’t recommend this enough. It’s not easy, but it’s not supposed to be, and the reward is sooooo worth it. Becca keeps me accountable, she makes sure I’m exercising, that I’m eating well, that I’m taking time for myself - all the things we should know to do but somehow don’t.

In fact, she was so good, I made my husband and my friends call her. Immediately. They too have found phenomenal results, just through honest conversation.

I asked Becca to tell me about her vision: ‘I am super passionate in empowering clients to take control of their health through achievement of their personal health and wellness goals. I think it is crucial that health solutions are bio-individual and holistic. I take time to look at all areas that can affect health and happiness, and work with the client to brainstorm ideas that fit into their lifestyle. Regular support and accountability through the structure of a programme is also key. It is the best feeling to see clients feeling empowered about their health and the ripple effect that can have is extraordinary.’

Becca will be doing a monthly well being blog for us here at Objects, where she will share with us all seasonal tips and tricks, amazing food, recipes and goodness. We are PUMPED to have her onboard. 

If you feel you could benefit from a chat with Becca, (and let’s face it, we all know you will), get in touch via her socials. Becca will be taking clients from the end of this month, so secure your spot as spaces are limited to ensure everyone receives the support and time they need. Did I also mention that this is super affordable too? After all, what is your health actually worth to you?

Becca Smith
The Well Being


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Leaders of their trade.. the all woman crew at elegance home decorating.

Leaders of their trade.. the all woman crew at elegance home decorating.

All girl painting crew I hear you ask? It’s true, and it’s a tight crew. Sometimes you just need a woman’s touch, and that’s exactly what Halie decided to create 4 years ago when Elegance Home Decorating was born.

Halie is a local mum of 3 amazing girls here in Oakura, and battled with shift work for years while trying to raise three epic young women. She realised that it just wasn’t working for her family, and after a friend asked her to come and help her paint her house, she found her calling. Halie has always had a passion for interiors and design and after doing multiple Reno’s on farm houses it seemed a natural path for her to take. From there the business took off, and she has managed to find her difference in the market by providing top quality skill and delivering exactly what is asked, every time, in an industry that is dominated by men.

Halie runs the business from her home here in Oakura and she has two amazing women in her team. She focusses on the little details that are so often missed by big companies- She’s always available on site and is always up for a chat; achieving what her client wants is her highest priority. Haile and her team certainly are not afraid of a bit of hard work, she says a bit of ‘elbow grease’ goes a long way, and prep is key for a flawless finish.

Halie and her team have completed some amazing transformations in their time, just check out her social media for some of her incredible before and after shots. Her biggest challenge is something she can’t  control; Mother Nature. Booking an exterior to paint and having a week of rain can really affect her timeframes, but she said her clients are very understanding because her communication is so strong. ‘All it takes is an email or phone call to let them know if there will be delays and they are totally fine, we make sure we keep in touch throughout the process so there is no confusion’.


Halie’s goal is to continue to grow her all girl crew and her business so she can keep up with the huge demand for her work. She uses resene paints and sources the most spectacular wallpapers from around the globe to get the perfect look for any space.

The reason we love this small business is because we have used her ourselves and know how good she really is. I have personally used her to paint my ceilings (the worst job EVER) and the process was flawless, something that I really value in a tradie.


If you want to get in touch with Elegance Home Decorating, no matter how big or small the job is, flick her an email or give her a call, she will be happy to help. Leading the way in all your home improvement needs, providing excellence in everything they do, Elegance Home Decorating are our go-to crew!



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Studio Makeland


Sina is a sassy Spanish chica based here in Oakura making her mark in the world with her epic creative talents. She is the bones behind the web design for Objects and has spent hours painstakingly deciphering our overall vision. 



As a side hustle to web design she has also created ‘studio makeland’ the most delicious range of children’s clothing, organic playdoh and accessories. This is a true family venture, with Sina designing the product for her mother in Venezuela to sew and send back to New Zealand. 


Sina also used her beautiful children for the models for her clothing range. We are very proud to stock ‘studio makeland’, you can check out the products under our ‘kids’ section HERE. Sina is an absolute creative genius and we love her ‘no rules’ approach to design, which fits our brand perfectly. To get in touch with her about your project contact her (

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Catharina Drought

Surf, yoga, burritos and photos... A jack of many trades still trying to master one.
Cathi has an amazing talent for spotting something beautiful and capturing it through her lens.


She lives locally here in Oakura and fills her day with yoga and surfing, then runs her amazing wee  food truck ”Holy Guacamole” that has almost a cult following at night.


A lil hippie at heart, she embraces natural nomadic living spending her time with her family between NZ, her home town of Austria and Indonesia where she teaches yoga and everywhere in between. She’s a free spirit and a true creative. We rate this chick!

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